Friday, November 13, 2009


Soccer, School, Work= literally keeping me busy 47 hours a week, leaving me 8 hours of extra time in between work on the weekends to study. WOW. 

My schedule is so sporadic from week to week, that I have actually started to rely on God more and I have realized the importance of spending quiet time with God, because I haven't even had time to just mozy around..I've had to be intentional with every minute of time that I am given. TIME. you need it and it's one thing you can never ever get back. be intentional with it. God wants me to spend time with him, and it makes my day so so much better the more time that I spend reading/studying/praying-spending time with God. 

God is so good, all the time. I am so blessed that I am able to work sometimes 30 hours a week, taking 18 units in school, play soccer, be involved in a ministry, and still be alive. Thank God for every step and breath I breathe. 

"work produced by faith, labor prompted by love, endurance inspired by hope in Jesus Christ." 
1 Thes. 1:13 
~ it may take me a year to truly understand what this verse means.. and I know it will be well worth it to study this verse and apply it to my life. it's what I am going to focus on now. 
1 Thessalonians 1:13.  
CRAZY: in LOVE with God.