Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am just having an incredible time in my life right now. I really am enjoying every single one of my classes. At first I decided that a couple weren't my favorite classes to be taking, but now I think they are interesting since obviously I am nowhere close to knowing everything. I really love my Christian Thought and Old Testament class especially. OT is a lot of work and it makes me feel so good once I am done with all my work then in a couple days I get started on my next assignment. We get 2 weeks to go through a whole book in the Old Testament and I really have learned a lot. Anyways, recently I've been thinking about 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul is talking about one body and many parts. I've been thinking about that with my team and how we as a team need to play together as one, and if any one of us is suffering or not giving our all, then our whole team suffers and our team as a whole is not giving our all if just one person is not. We are one. One body of Christ. We are a soccer team that glorifies God in our play on the field and in everything we do off the field as well. 
I am so thankful that God gives us new mercy each and every day and that he forgives us each day with gifts and things we don't deserve but get anyways by his grace. 
I am enjoying life so much right now. I am so much better than worse, and I feel like I should be encouraging others. 
God comforts me so that I can comfort others. God loves me so that I can love others. God gives to me so that I can give to others. 
God is incredible, indescribable, he has been incredible to me.