Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prayer Month.

It's May 2010. Time to schedule my Fall 2010 classes, get my car serviced, pay for registration stickers again, weddings to go to, WPSL and W-league soccer teams to try out for and train with, work at church, train goalkeepers, coach little kids, homework to finish, projects to complete, papers to write, get ready for WCHS summer league, decide where I'm going to be this summer, where I'm going to live, where I'm going to be playing soccer, what classes I'm going to take, what I'm going to do... life is full of decisions that we make. There's people to pray for and things to be thankful for and the Lord to praise above all. I am doing just fine with my list of things I need to do but I do need help with just one thing. I need help witnessing to a friend. If anyone would care to take the time to contact me to talk about this I would greatly appreciate it. I have been talking for quite a while with a guy about life and God and I need to just lay it down for him. He believes in God but has given up on praying and thinks he needs to do things on his own. I know God has a plan for this guy that he doesn't see yet and I know God can do great things. I want God to use me to reach this guy so that he can understand the gospel to change his life. Sometime soon, I am going to sit down with him and share my testimony with him and skim through the basics of the bible and present the gospel to him. All I can do is pray that God would prepare me and give me the words to speak. I'm getting ready for this and I want to do it soon. I'm gonna be praying a lot this month. That's what this month is all about; praying.
I am praying for God's will to be worked out in my life and I am praying for God to heal my friends and family that need it and I am praying that God would change my life as I seek Him during this time.