Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Strength to Walk

You are always with me and an ever present help in trouble. Thank you for being my Father. Thank you for your grace and washing me white each morning with your mercy and forgiveness. I am incredibly blessed to know you and to have an intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe. 

My Father, friend, You are my savior
A young wondering soul, blind to anything that could save her
Nothing I could do, nowhere to go
Could ever amount to your omnipotence and everything that you already know
I was lost, torn, broken; continuously falling apart
It was then, you showed me a piece of your heart
You picked me up and dusted me off
Helped me walk, taught me how to overcome the scoff
You told me I’m beautiful and you’ll always love me
Not what I did, but who you are, my guide and my strength, always above me