Friday, July 6, 2012

You Make Me Smile

When I go to the phone
It's your # I start to dial
Because you always make me smile
When you're holding my hand
You lift me up and I can't get my feet to land
When you hug me and hold me tight
There's no way, that smile I can't fight
I feel so safe in your arms
I'm out of the way of any harm
When you kiss my cheek, my heart beats fast
That's God telling us that this love will last
When your arm is around me
You open up my world so I can see
Together, when we dance
I thank God for this chance
And when you touch my face
It's like our world stops to our pace
With God, we can get through any trial
When I hug you, I feel God's smile
He said we're gonna be together for a while
How can I not smile